how've YOU been?
you don't have to answer, i already know.
in fact, i'll keep this brief so we can all get back to staring at the walls. the good news is, along with my collaborators, evan carroll and denise burge, we finally received word that a project grant from the university of cincinnati came through to support a graphic novel about the writer lafcadio hearn. while that starts to make this undertaking more real, the bad news is we won't be leaving this week for a research trip. obviously covid-19 has shuffled the deck for everyone everywhere, so instead it just amounts to more reading, researching, and killing time. someone talked me into getting the procreate pocket app. i very rarely do straight up digital art, especially with my finger on my phone, but excessive couch time convinced me to try anyway and made about 18 images throughout april. they usually ended up being a face or a landscape since those were more manageable scales. it was mostly playing.....about an hour each. these were some of the more unique ones.